Friday 31 July 2020

Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol

My wife and I had started to watch this before, but finished it tonight.  I love watching films with her and while this would not be my first choice in film, it was just nice to be around her.  I presume she liked the film, which was okay, but not my favourite.

While I like Benji, as played by Simon Pegg, I just do not warm to Ethan Hunt they way I do to Jason Bourne or other characters like Bond.  I am not sure if that is because I associate Tom Cruise as playing similar characters a lot of the time.  Or it could be that he does not want the warmth that other characters have.  While it has some interesting female characters, the fight scenes involving them are sadly stereotypical.  When I compare it to how characters like Buffy The Vampire Slayer fight other women, it comes up very short.  And as you can see from the attached image, one of the characters goes sky diving, but later, there is no indication that the presence of a dead blonde falling from high above has taken place.  Looking at the success it has had, I know that this was liked by many, but it is not one of my favourite films.  But I love watching films with my wife.  Even on days where she has tried to jinx me.  

Before I went to work, with a huge grin on her face, she wished me a quiet day.  And she knows how that curses things.  However, things were not as bad as they have been recently and I got home at a more reasonable time that I have been doing recently.