Sunday 26 July 2020

My son beat me again

We have had David round which has been great as we have not seen him in ages.  I have been working this weekend which has meant that I have not seen him as much as I would like but it has been great for me to catch up.

While I have known him he longest, my wife and he have a stronger bond that he had with me.  It is stronger now than it was in the past as I think that he has realised that I am not a complete fool.  I knew him before I became friends with my wife, and he and her clicked when they met, no stereotypes with my wife being a fag hag there!  But when my wife and I started to go out, it was in secret. When we came out, my wife spoke to him while I spoke to some other of our friends and when my wife admitted she was seeing someone he said “Well we know it is not...” but he has accepted me fully now.

Anyway, my son, daughter, David and I played risk.  My son won after he and his sister formed an alliance and David and I foolishly attacked each other.  The kids deserved the win, them working together makes me feel proud.  But I hate to lose, and my son has now said he will not play again in a very long time.