Saturday 18 July 2020

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Another busy day.

After a quick shopping trip with my wife, I went for a quick bike ride before we went to see the kids grandparents.

The visit was as socially distant as possible considering the kids have not been seen in person for a while, but my mother and my wife’s parents were very grateful to see them.  And I guess, my wife and me as well.  I got to see my brother as well, as my youngest one is staying with my Mum.

Getting back, I went for a walk with my daughter to get some milk.  We could have driven, but I need the exercise and it is nice to talk to her when we walk.  I don’t get to exercise with my son anymore, but that may change in the future.

And on getting back I watched Rebels with my son.  We have not watched an episode together in a while and I suspect he watched it to please me, but it was nice to spend the time with him.  Afterwards it was The Force Awakens.  Compared to The Saint yesterday, this was so much better.  I do get annoyed at how physics is ignored an example being laser bolts travelling across the galaxy slowing down so that people on the planets can see them arrive, and how they were seen in real time across the galaxy rather than years/decades/centuries/millennia later.  I know that this is science fiction, but some laws of physics need to be constant.

But I still love it.  I can forgive the errors (along with how sucking the sun should have boiled the planet) as the direction, plot and acting was of sufficient standard.