Saturday 11 July 2020

My mother had me tested

This morning my son woke up with a new continuous cough. So we are in isolation and are waiting for the test results.

Yesterday he tidied his room.  I have commented in the past about how interesting an experience this is, but tidy it he did and today he had a cough.  He is well, no temperature, active and no change in behaviour.  While both my wife and I agreed that this was probably because of him tidying his room, we could not risk it.  Especially as we had planned to have some friends over, now that such visits are legal.  So we rang NHS111 to arrange some testing.  A work colleague sent me information on how to book it on line, but that was after I range 111 to see about arranging a test.  By the time they rang back, we were booked and ready to go.

COVID-19 testing is not nice.  Though not as horrible as it was when I had it done, it is still traumatic for those who have it carried out.  So I showed my wife how to do it, as I felt he would let her do it instead of me.  A drive to Ipswich later, and he was very brave letting my wife test him.
Afterwards it was home, food and quarantine while we wait for the results.  We played a game, and the first games were scrabble.  I have played this since a child with my mother who kept beating me over and over again.  And I have been playing Words With Friends,  which meant that I had an advantage.  So I won the first game.  And while my daughter was not keen on it at first, she was keen for a second game.  Playing it on line means I get to have breaks.  Playing it in real life stresses out my brain.  And despite a mild headache, I agreed to a third game.  But after I used all me letters in one game, my son left, and my wife and daughter ended the game afterwards when I continued to increase the score gap.  I was proud of my score, though understood it when they both decided to end the game.

We played Labyrinth afterwards while my son talked to his friends online and later watched bits of Iron Man 2.  Or rather watched most of it until we got too tired and had to go to bed.  Love he film though and am looking forwards to the rest of it.