Tuesday 26 May 2020

Ready Player One

I liked it.  Predictable and with a few errors. (People using VR headsets in public will get injured and if everyone on the planet takes part in a game, why are all the best players in the same city that the baddies are located?) But the film flowed well and the story was well told.  I do like the settings where the story too place. Though I would like to know how high rise trailers are maintained.  I love the reference to games of my past, though I never got to play them, and I love the films of old.  (I may watch The Shining again and get round to watching the Chucky films.)  I had heard about it, and had no interest to watch it before.  My daughter however recommended it on Sunday which is why we watched it.  My son had half watched it then but took more of an interest when we watched the second half last night.  Neither my daughter or I could be bothered to fill him in on the bits he decided to miss though!

And I am still knackered today.  I walked to work and back yesterday and my wife had a genius idea to get my son out.  He had been quite laid back, still wearing his pyjamas when I got back.  I did offer to walk with the kids, and while my son said no at first, the inspired idea of my wife came into play, which was to order some dessert which we collected.  While both the kids came with me, my daughter went home after the two started to bicker.  Walking with one child was fine, though two would be better...