Friday 22 May 2020

Waiting for the R number to rise

Social distancing is still taking place, but not as much as before.  And I working in primary care, I can see the consequences.  Specifically, I have to assess and treat the consequences.

I suspect that one child I saw earlier this week has COVID-19, and today I saw two children with symptoms of viral infections that probably were not COVID.  Probably.  But in order for those children to get those infections, they had to have caught them from someone.  And if they can catch one virus, they can catch others, notably COVID.

In the last few weeks, I have not seen any children with symptoms of a viral infection, quite simply because they have been in isolation, and therefore were not able to catch these infections because they did not see anyone to catch infections from.  I knew that when the lockdown measures were eased that I would be seeing unwell children again.  And that has happened this week.  Which means that I am going to be at greater risk of catching COVID.

Things would be better if people were being sensible when it comes to how they act, but considering the crowds at beaches this week, not enough are.  Not all of them will end up like the Fusco family, but some may.
On he bright side, my COVID test came back and I do not have the plague. Yet.