Friday 8 May 2020

VE day

Today was VE Day.  I got to see the fly past by the Red Arrows, my son missed it completely but my wife and daughter got to hear it.  My wife was amazing and prepared an amazing lunch, and afternoon tea, which our street had in driveways and front gardens, most of us socially distancing while doing so.

We listened to music from the war, my son having had downloaded some music which we listened to before the music from one of our neighbours drowned it out.  As you can see, some dressed up much more than us, but it was lovely to see the street our like this.  Most of us do get outside for the 2000 Key Worker clap, which still touches me, but this lasted longer than a minute.

Afterwards my daughter and I went out for a walk which was almost an hour and while my wife attended her book club using Zoom, the kids and I watched The Phantom Menace.  I have not watched it in a while, and once I felt that it was not up to the standards of the original three films. I still think that, but it is much better than episodes seven to nine in terms of writing, just not in the direction.