Tuesday 5 May 2020

Patriotism. I love my country, but this is not unconditional.

First of all the family.  My children have been good and bad, but to my wife, as I have been at work.  Tomorrow, I might get to spend time with them, if they are willing.  My son has been playing PokémonGO with me and with the help of a family friend we undertook a difficult raid to attempt to capture a Pokémon called Darkrai. I have been doing quite a few, but an elusive shiny one has been beyond me.  My son though has one, despite this being his second attempt. To say I am jealous is an understatement. To describe him as pleased is the same.

But to the point of this post.  My love for my nation.

This has been an issue, here and abroad when it has come to supporting the state in its response to dealing with COVID.  The tweet that made me post this was one by a US politician in which she said “Republicans love America.  Democrats hate America.  It's simple.” Now I love the good things about my nation.  But I do not love everything about it.  I think that Britain is great, but that it can and should be so much better.  I am proud of many of the things it has done and does, just like I am ashamed of things our nation does and has done.  And when it comes to the USA, I am sure that for most people they would say the same.  Unconditional love for my nation is stupid.  It means I ignore the bad things it has done in the past and the ways it can be better now.  I respect the right of others to love the nation they are from unconditionally, but forgive me if I question this if someone they do not support is elected.