Thursday 23 April 2020

President Spanky does it again

Once again the Stable Genius has outsmarted the opposition.

His (temporary and partial) ban on immigration is one that will appeal to many American voters and has portrayed those who are against it in a bad light with the centre ground where elections are won.

To put it simply, during a global lockdown, how much immigration is taking place?

His pledge to end immigration to secure US jobs will resonate with people who are without work as immigration is blamed by many for them being out of work.  And his pledge as infuriated those on the left who have not looked at the numbers of people coming into the USA at the moment.  Many nations have sensibly limited entry to residents only due to COVID19 and all America is doing is joining the list of others doing the same.

The bottom line is that this should have been done earlier to keep in line with the rest of the world, and it will have little effect on legal migration as that has fallen dramatically anyway.