Wednesday 22 April 2020

A quick catchup

Just a quick update since last week.

On Wednesday I did my first, and so far, only Joe Wickes workout.  Needless to say, my knees do not do what his can.  I did not do it today as I went out on a walk.  On Saturday I walked into work and back home again and on Sunday I was finally able to mow our lawn after our lawnmower had been repaired.  But my lack of cycling appears to be increasing my abdominal girth and I need to book my bike in for a service.

Work is getting busier now as people are coming forwards with the issues that have been present before.  However they are not coming with all of them and I am concerned, like many in the NHS, that people are ignoring symptoms that they should be seeking help for.  The death rate of COVID19 has hit at least one care home that we help look after and is in danger of spreading through another.  I am very impressed with the care and compassion that those working in them are giving to the patients and on Thursday, if I get back in time, I will be clapping for them.

The kids are back at school.  And by being back at school, I mean working from home.  Me son is working more than he did before, but this is nothing compared to what his sister is doing.

And last of all, my daughter has watched an episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer with me.  The rest of the family have stopped watching it and Angel so I am going to watch them myself, or with her.  i have watched Smokin Aces with my wife.  We loved it And had decided to watch it after we finished watching Snatch.  Both films are great, and while similar in some ways, are quite different in others.  Snatch was not so much predictable, but has fewer shocks in it.  Actually shocks is the wrong word, for both are shocking, I mean that Smokin Aces had more surprises! My son and I have been watching The Mandalorian, though we disagree on the motives of the little green alien.  We are continuing to watch The Clone Wars, but this may be associated with a drive to work more as he has been reminded that the quick and easy path is the way to the dark side.

And on the topic of Star Wars...