Tuesday 14 April 2020


I have been busy today.  Work was stressful especially as I saw two patients who have been exposed to COVID.  I guess I will find out how much in two weeks time.  I am hoping it is not too much, if at all considering that shortness of breath is not nice to live with.  Saying that, if I am to get it, I would rather recover than not.

But, I am to get some face masks for all of us.  I know that masks do not protect me from COVID, but it will be in case we become asymptomatic carriers as it will reduce the odds of this passing it on.

Those wearing masks in public are helping others as the masks are only effective in preventing infection for a few minutes.  We put masks on patients we consider higher risk in fact to protect us.  Also face masks offer those who wear them for protection not only a false sense of security, but may increase the odds of touching their faces.  I will offer the kids the choice of colours. Possibly...

Anyway, the title of the post is based on the song below.