Monday 6 April 2020

Day 14 in isolation

Today is my last day in isolation.  I have mixed feelings about this and was anxious for most of the morning before I started my work from home which distracted me.  I spoke to one of the others at work has to socially isolate due to the medication they are on who made me feel better.

I know that we screen people at work before they are seen, and that there is probably a greater chance of catching COVID19 from someone at the supermarket than from someone I see right now.  Well the logical part of me says that.  The issue arises of what to do as someone becomes more unwell.  Also, the numbers of those affected by this disease will increase and when that happens, the chances of me seeing someone who is unwell with this will go up.  We do have PPE to wear if needed, but it is so flimsy, I am not confident that it really offers any protection.  Hence the GIF.

But I feel sorry for myself.  I have just watched the news which has shown a team working in ITU in London.  They are at much higher risk than me and are still seeing and helping people.

On a more positive note, played throw and catch with my daughter who is looking forwards to being able to go out for walks again.  And have watched The Clone Wars with my son.  One bright side of all this is that I have had time to spend with my family.  Something which I am now going to have less of.