Saturday 4 April 2020

Day twelve in the Big Brother house

Today has been both fun and interesting.  My wife and I had a long chat with my son about how he has appeared to learn how to avoid work.  He was not keen on this chat but had to be reminded of how well he had done in his sats last year.  Watching Star Wars, there are lots of quotes about the importance of hard work.  He has so much potential and it is heartbreaking when it appears that he just wants to squander it when so many others do not have it.  Educationally, he has the potential to be a Jedi, or he can take the quick and easy path to become part of the Sith.

Anyway, we spent some of the sunny day playing throw and catch.  I tried to repair our lawnmower only to find that I had bought the wrong spark plug on line and could not change it anyway as I lack the tools to do so.

We watched Knives Out, a pleasant film and one with an ending that I had guessed wrong.  And now I am watching how a little green alien is brainwashing a bounty hunter with my son.