Tuesday 31 March 2020

Day eight in the Big Brother House

Just a quick post before bed.  I was working from home today again.  When at work, Monday and Tuesday are my long days, which is important with the amount of work I get.  I am kept busy but have a clear run at paperwork.  Now I am working from home, it is a millstone around my neck.  It means that I cannot relax properly.

Saying that, it is nice to be with the family and I think that they are finding it odd to have me at home.  We did play Trivial Pursuit today and my wife and I attempted the quiz run by Jimmy Carr as well.

My son got to enjoy freedom as his quarantine has ended.  With him being the index case, he can now leave the house while the rest of us are still stuck inside for another week.  But he went off to the local shops and came back laden with supplies of chocolate.  Friends of ours have helped as well, two friends delivering shopping to our door which would have been too heavy for my son to bring, assuming that what they brought was in stock.