Thursday 26 March 2020

Day 3 in the Big Brother House

Quick post before bed.  Have been working from home, doing my Wednesday job on other days as well as my normal job using the work laptop, ringing people and providing advice.  I feel guilty that I am not physically at work, but have to remain in isolation.

Today, I was brought to tears by the #ClapForCarers, as I did not think it would have such a response from people, and those signing up to help the NHS makes me proud to be British.

After that, it was a virtual pub quiz and we played Labyrinth.  I came last which the rest of the family loved, and I learned that my wife cheated years ago when we all played Risk in Italy!

We were able to sign up for the Disney channel and I watched The Mandalorian with my son.  We disagree about it. I feel that the star has been brainwashed by the little green alien.  My son considers it to be cute.  I guess time will tell as we watch it over the next few weeks.