Wednesday 25 March 2020

Day two in the Big Brother house

Yesterday I got a call about my son.  He was noted at school to have a high temperature. The thing was that he was otherwise well in himself.  But that meant that I had to leave work and enter quarantine.  My daughter was really glad about this as she has not enjoyed her time at school when most people are not there.

But this means only going into the garden for the next two weeks.  Luckily we have friends who are willing to get supplies as trying to get a slot for an online supermarket delivery is a nightmare.

I have been working from home, not being able to do much by the time online access was obtained yesterday, but I have been very busy today.  Anyway, time for bed as I am knackered.

Just a note though, gloves are only of use of the are changed as often as you would wash your hands.