Monday 30 December 2019

Day fourteen in Sri Lanka. Another day in paradise.

We are back in Colombo.  I am making this post before the end of today as we are to attend an engagement party later tonight.

We left our hotel, but again some drama had to take place.  We were meant to get a large taxi to take us as we have a bit of luggage.  I can condense it so that it is not as bulky, but my wife told me this would not be needed.

But the receptionist who this has been discussed with yesterday did not tell the whole truth.  Yes large taxi’s are available but they either have to be booked, or taken up in the early morning as otherwise, they leave on excursions.  Which is what happened.  We were lucky enough to get a taxi that was able to fit in the cases, but we had to carry items on our laps and with three in the back, it was a tight fit.  And our taxi driver did not know where we were to go, so we had to direct him.

We got back in time for a trip to a temple.  Two years ago, we obtained blessings for my son for the eleven plus.  While he did not pass, I hope that the path he is to follow is a good one and that he can become the person he is meant to be.  And we returned there to give thanks.

But we are now back at Hotel Janaki.  My wife at this moment is getting her hair done and as my son who has no clean trousers, his grandmother has taken him out shopping for some.