Sunday 10 November 2019

The cold

The weekend has been infuriating.  My brother, the one from up North, drove down from Manchester so my side of the family met up.  My son, who is prone to colds decided that it was too hot to dress up warmly.  Now to put things in perspective, on Friday, when I was late for work, that was the day frost delayed me getting to work even more.

Anyway, my son, refused to dress up in a decent jumper.  He was cold in the pub where we all ate, he was cold on the way to the car and was cold in the car as we set off for home.  

This morning, I was to walk into town with both kids, but my son refused to wear his coat.  So we did not go into town, which was sad for him was we were to get his mobile phone sorted out.  

Now you would think that this was bad, but worse was to come.  We all went out later, and not only did he refuse to wear a coat again, but he said that he was not cold yesterday!  Needless to say, this resulted in an ‘interesting’ discussion.

Things have been smoothed over now, but I am hoping that he will not are similar claims in the future like having the largest presidential inauguration audience in history...