Thursday 29 August 2019

My letter to my MP to ask him not to prorogue Parliament

Dear Mr W Quince MP,

I am a constituent who has e-mailed you in the past, and whom, despite you blocking me on Twitter, you have been kind enough to write back to me in the past. 

I contact you to call for you to argue that the voice of parliament is heard and not silenced by suspending it for five weeks.  

If you do back this undemocratic suspension of five weeks, I would be grateful if you could cite the occasions that you would back a repeat in the future, including any such actions by a Labour PM, such as Jeremy Corbyn, if he was elected.  If you back suspension now, but would not do so under a Corbyn government, the reasons why would be most appreciated. 

I am aware that this has happened in the past, such as in 1997 to avoid a debate on the cash for questions scandal, as well as in 1948 by a Labour government to prevent one house from blocking a bill.

I suspect that you will be even more busy that usual in the next few weeks and I hope that you get the support that is needed to cope with the stress that the increased work load will bring.

Yours Truly...