Monday 26 August 2019

The end of the Bank Holiday weekend

The family have recovered. Mostly. In fact the children are ruffling my hair as I type. However my wife is not 100% and her elbow is giving her jip.

And the holiday continues, but not for long.  And as preparation for my son, we went out cycling. It was the first bike trip for my daughter since her bicycle accident last year.  And while my son has managed to avoid a lot of cycling this holiday, as he intends to cycle to his new school, there was no escape from it.  Ideally, I would have liked him to have cycled throughout the holiday, but sadly he has not.  My intention is to ensure that he cycles is a safe manner, and has the energy to get to his school and back.

On our last trip, he was cycling slowly.  And on the one before that, we was so slow, I thought it was deliberate.  But now I realise just how unfit he is.  So we have a week and a bit to get him better, or he will be walking to and from school.