Saturday 17 August 2019

Home at last!

Our holiday is over.

And our flight was delayed.  Things could have been worse, but as you can see, the delay to our flight was a lot longer than we expected.

I think that the staff who had to deal with this were great.  We got vouchers for food and drink, but it was exhausting.  My son got the most sleep on the chairs in the airport lounge, my wife coming second.  My daughter and I stayed up until the flight arrived, not a plane, but one from Titan airlines.

But we are at home now.  A lot later than expected, and while the journey was stressful, it was nothing compared to our first day of our holiday.  It was sad that we missed the first and last day of it at our hotel, and it would have been even better with those two extra nights, but that was not meant to be.