Thursday 1 August 2019

Of course we can trust Boris to keep his promises. Ask his two previous wives.

Of course we can trust our new Prime Minister.  

He kept his promises of fidelity to his two previous wives didn’t he?

Okay, that is a bit mean, after all, it is not that he has a history of lying, making up quotes, or stabbing colleagues in he back to take he heat away from him when he has put himself, and more importantly, others in a worse situation.  But to be fair with Priti Patel, he has rewarded her after his Machiavellian display of his survival instincts when he threw her under the bus to get away with yet another one of his gaffes.

In a world where journalists and freedom of the press is under attack in the USA, we obviously would not need to worry about the same here.

But being serious, he has been voted in as a Conservative mayor in London, twice. The first time can be seen as a rejection of Tony Blair, but the second time was when anti-Tory sentiment was higher.  He is very good at soundbites.  And his views on Brexit may result in the Conservatives not being damaged by the Brexit party too much when it comes to the next General Election.  I trust him to deliver on Brexit.  I hope I am wrong, but I think that the Brexit he delivers will be a nightmare.