Wednesday 24 July 2019

The end of an era

That is it.  My kids no longer attend primary school.

My daughter broke up yesterday which meant it was the end of her phone ban.  We had not banned her from her phone, but instead we had placed a ban on her using social media.  Needless to say, she deserved it, though I suspect she disagrees! She got her time back in time for a trip to a friends, near where I used to work in fact!

It was strange being in the playground for the last time, mind you, it must have been even stranger for him.  Most of his friends are going to two other schools, some going to the local Grammar and others going to the main local comprehensive. He has a place in a new school though I am going to have to make sure that he can cycle there and back safely.

But many of us spent a few hours in Abbey Fields, having an after school picnic. The kids relaxed and wound down and soon some will be leaving on holiday. But that is not quite now for us.