Wednesday 17 April 2019

Flying a Colonial Viper

It has been a while since my last post.  I really need to get into the habit of making a quick post every week.  Needless to say, lots has happened.  But today, my son, his friend Matthew and I went to Thorpe Park.  Being the Easter Holidays, I took the day off to take both children here.  They have wanted to come for a while, and I even looked at buying a season pass.  But it would have come too late, so I bought some tickets and booked a day off work.

But my daughter decided not to come.  So we took a friend of my son.  It probably was for the better as it meant that I did not have to deal with the two kids bickering.  I actually like roller coasters, though I tell the children that I do not.  But I was dreading this trip.  When younger, I had been on some amazing rides, that were terrifying and loved them all.  Now I am older, certain aspects of them turn me to jelly, notably drops, and as I found out today, going upside down.

We arrived early to find a large queue already and when the park opened, the kids went to a ride called Colossus. Yes, I found it scary, notably the corkscrew where you go upside down.  But I loved it.  Then we went on a ride called Saw.  That was even more scary and my son almost lost his glasses.  We went on a ride called Zodiac, then Nemesis Inferno, and then Stealth.  I was not sure if I would survive it.  I did.  But I got to feel like a viper pilot being launched from a Battlestar.

It was an amazing day. The two boys loved it, and while in some ways it was better without my daughter, it was not in others as she would have loved the rides.