Saturday 15 December 2018

If voting changed anything they'd abolish it

The midterm elections were last month in the USA.  While some consider this to have been a Blue Wave, considering the gains that the GOP made, while they had losses, if anything it was a ripple for the democrats. Trump was right when he said that the GOP did well considering the losses that Obama faced in his mid terms in both 2010 and 2014, something that those who expected more need to note for any reelection campaign (jail not withstanding) by Trump in 2020, or anyone from the GOP.

Those results though may have been different if people had not been prevented from voting.  It is interesting to see how electoral boundaries have been drawn up, and in places where the Democratic Party have won elections to become governor, how the powers of the governor of that state have been taken away.

The election rules were not bent as much what happens in Russia, but a nation that takes pride in democracy really should provide a better example to the rest of the world.