Saturday 3 November 2018

Pokémon GO and Gengar Day

I spent a great day out with my son today.  It was a day for PokémonGO and today he got to walk about Colchester catching them.  And he walked and walked and walked.  I would like to think that he had fun.  While my wife hates the game, it has had the effect of making him want to walk, something where I remember literally dragging him about.  When in town on the last day he got to spend time in the park and made friends.  Today we met up with one of mine instead.

He did get to meet them on Wednesday when we went out for Hallowe'en where he came back with loads of sweets (which I have not been stealing). My daughter went to visit a friend but did not come back, or worse, answer her phone which meant that I spent Wednesday night wandering about Great Horkesley trying to find out where she was (tracking her iPhone location on mine).

And today the kids have been getting on well.  I have not seen them do this in a while and it is really nice.

Anyway we are to to go to a wedding reception where my wife is trying to get me to learn how to Salsa!