Sunday 4 March 2018

And then it was gone

The snow has almost gone which means that the children should be back to school tomorrow. They were essentially off over Thursday and Friday, though my daughter did have school for a few hours on Thursday. And while there was a lot of snow yesterday, which meant no cycling for me then, it was clearing and today most of it has gone here.  What we did though yesterday was to have another snowball fight.  And once again, both kids ganged up on me.  Due to the weather, the snow was more compact compared to what it had been before, which meant that the snowballs were easier to make, and travelled further.  And yes, both kids got me in the face again.

Today we did go for a walk in Castle Park and this involved a walk down a very ice ridden path. My son was not too keen on this, but to be fair to him, he did what his sister wanted, which was to walk down the path.  She in turn let us spend some time to do a Pokémon go raid, something she appears to hate now.

Anyway, the kids are in bed, and now I have to sleep after watching the final episode of Requiem.