Wednesday 21 November 2018

I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)

Last week my son had his learning conference.  His teacher thinks that he is smart, but sadly he is not doing the work that he is capable of.  But the fact that his teacher recognises that is a good thing, he has in the past had a teacher who has given up on him.  So my wife and I have resolved to help him get into the habit of completing his work in time, and that means timed homework.  We know how capable he is, it is just about making him show others that he can reach his potential rather than coasting and resting on his laurels.

A huge obstacle that we face is his motivation.  It is easier to fail than to try.  And my son is very good at finding reasons to fail.  

And today was an example. Leaving school he and I were catching Pokémon and I caught a shiny Evee.  When in Madeira we had caught quite a few, well, he did.  I did not, but despite that he wants mine as it will complete his collection.  Needless to say, I want it, but it is a game and he is my son.  When he said that he would do anything I wanted, I gave him a task, to pass the questions we give him, scoring 100% every day for a week.  Needless to say, he felt it was too strict and since being at home with my wife, we have settled on him getting 85% for 14 consecutive days.  And I do think that he can do it.

Saturday 10 November 2018

PokémonGO & Cyndaquil community day

Today was busy we had a drive in the morning to get and deliver presents, breakfast and then a drive back.  My daughter had an appointment to meet some friends and my son and I were keen to play PokémonGO. It was another community day and while my son and I missed a lot of it, we did get to meet up with Matthew, a friend of his and his mother.  The kids had fun catching Pokémon and then had some fun in the playground.

After Matthew left with his mother to go to a birthday party, my son and I left Castle Park and went into town for lunch.  I had promised that after this, if he was good that we would go to Kaspa's and as he had been brilliant, he got to have the rest of his lunch there.

We met up with my daughter in the library where my son got a book out and walked back.  She had enjoyed the afternoon with two friends, though she will not tell me why she was kicked out of McDonalds.  The kids did snap a bit at each other, but overall have been great today. Anyway, we are watching Harry Potter & the order of the Phoenix and are soon to go to bed. 

Monday 5 November 2018

No Vote No Voice

It is the Mid Term elections tomorrow.  One thing that I have been surprised by is the bias of several US shows.  I have always known that Faux News is biased, but to see examples of this on US shows was surprising.  I have seen shows in the UK that look at political matters such as The Last Leg, and while they speak out against issues like disability cuts, they never told viewers who to vote for. 

I admire Taylor Swift for speaking out about what she cares for coming up to the elections, I do think that she should have encouraged all voters to register and to vote.

What is sad to see here in the UK is how many people have not realised the power of voting. And a really sad issue relates to how many people have given up their voice in the Labour Party, leaving due to the direction that it has taken, now having no vote to change things.

To vote is to have a voice. That voice should be treasured. 

Saturday 3 November 2018

Pokémon GO and Gengar Day

I spent a great day out with my son today.  It was a day for PokémonGO and today he got to walk about Colchester catching them.  And he walked and walked and walked.  I would like to think that he had fun.  While my wife hates the game, it has had the effect of making him want to walk, something where I remember literally dragging him about.  When in town on the last day he got to spend time in the park and made friends.  Today we met up with one of mine instead.

He did get to meet them on Wednesday when we went out for Hallowe'en where he came back with loads of sweets (which I have not been stealing). My daughter went to visit a friend but did not come back, or worse, answer her phone which meant that I spent Wednesday night wandering about Great Horkesley trying to find out where she was (tracking her iPhone location on mine).

And today the kids have been getting on well.  I have not seen them do this in a while and it is really nice.

Anyway we are to to go to a wedding reception where my wife is trying to get me to learn how to Salsa!