Friday 29 December 2017

Day 17 in Sri Lanka

Just a quick and hurried post.  We checked out of that amazing hotel today to journey to Hotel Janaki where we collected our other luggage, packed, talked to friends and got ready for our flight.  However our taxi did not arrive on time or at all, which meant another taxi had to be called and our trip to the airport has not been as relaxing as we would have liked.  But we have finished shopping and are waiting for the call to board.

The kids during the day had fun as they were taken shopping by their grandmother.  She had been advised to order a car to take them about town, but did not, and found it hard to get a taxi, so they ended up taking a Tuk-Tuk, otherwise known as a mobile tin can of death, not once, but twice.  Other than my daughter being on the part with no door, they loved it.