Friday 15 December 2017

Day three in Sri Lanka

We were woken early today after our late night last night.  My wife had to go with her mother to collect somethings, but ended up waiting around for an hour and a half before she left.  She was of the accurate impression that she could have waited in bed!  But when she got back, we got to meet more of her family, many who have only seen our children in photo's and some who I have never met before.  All were welcoming and friendly and loved our two children.

Later, we had to help her parents again, not a major issue, but we went to have lunch first at The Lagoon restaurant at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel.  I was a bit nervous at first as they had very fresh fish on display, and I tend not to like fish.  But, I do love fish when it is fresh, and this was very fresh.  I have to say that this might be the best fish meal I have had, and considering the quality of the fish we ate at one restaurant in Devon, this is of a very high standard.  We had tea afterwards in the lobby of the restaurant, my wife and children having macaroons which they loved.

After helping her parents out (a minor detour for us), we returned to the hotel for a trip to a temple for a blessing.  This is one of the reasons why we came here and the journey there was a long one where it started to rain a lot.  The downpour when we arrived continued only abating once we left.

Anyway, the children are in bed now having eaten at the hotel.  Good night all!