Saturday 14 October 2017

Book club

We are knackered today.

My wife has come down with laryngitis, being taken down with this yesterday.  But despite her illness, we travelled down to London to see my mother and also help her parents who are travelling back from abroad by ensuring that they had food and milk on arrival back to their home.

The journey back to Colchester was a race as the kids had book club to attend and we got my daughter there a few minutes late after dropping her off in town.  While my wife rested in bed, my son and I then walked into town.  But we were pressed for time and we walked fast, and I have to say I was impressed that he kept up with me.  We got there in time, and while my daughter decided to explore the shops with her friends I wondered through Castle Park.  

It was great meeting them in the town centre but I was running low on energy and the trip to more shops was an additional drain on my stamina, and considering that I had done almost all the driving earlier, I thought that I did well.  But the kids did better and again, the walk home with them gives me memories I need to treasure as one day, I will no longer have memories like this.

And speaking of memories, here is a video from 2013.
Last of all, chess, as I have not posted an update on this in a while.
I finished 2nd out of five players in the Members Only 2017 WFA Vase and finished 307th out of 1833 players in 30th Tournament (1201-1400) but there were 538 places in total, so it probably was not that good!