Friday 1 September 2017

Ben Shapiro has forgotten some facts with Muslims

I have been having an interesting discussion with someone about Islam and extremism.  This person has decided to use a video on YouTube where Ben Shapiro has cited various polls to make an argument that there are loads of radical Muslims.

The problem is that the polls are silly. One refers to Indonesia, one of the worlds largest democracies. If the poll that Ben Shapiro cites is true about how 50% of the population want strict Sharia Law enforced, that would be reflected during the elections.  I have visited Indonesia, and when there I was able to drink alcohol.  Another refers to Egypt wanting strict Sharia Law, and while the Muslim Brotherhood won the presidential elections there (until the coup and subsequent western backed crackdown on democracy) it was a close thing.

Basically, I know that there are many Muslims who will have different views to me. But most are not supporters of terrorism and most would like to live in a democracy.

Ben Shapiro is guilty of manipulating statistics and ignoring evidence that shows a wider picture on the world.

He has implied that it is only Muslims that engage in FGM, a common misconception, but one that is false.  And for the record, in order to end FGM, we must dishonour the crime of inflicting this on people in all groups, not just Muslims.

He cites Nigeria as well with support for Sharia Law, but forgets that most Muslims there are against groups that would bring that in.

He also cites the support that exists towards groups working against Israel, notably Hamas, but forgets that the reason that many are against Israel, is the way it treats Palestinians.  An example being the murder of an unarmed terrorist, after that person had been incapacitated.

And of course, his example of the support that there is amongst Muslim Palestinians want Sharia Law ignores the issue of how Hamas, the organisation that wants Sharia Law, is cracking down on groups opposing it.  Something that would not be needed if the figures he cites reflect the population there.

And his view that Muslims wanting a legal prosecution of cartoonists depicting Mohammed in the UK being extremists beggars belief!  While I disagree with the idea of prosecutions, that does not mean that they are extremists.

I live in the UK which in addition to threats from extremists calling themselves Muslim, faces threats from terrorists calling themselves Catholic.  I have helped to treat the victims of terrorist attacks by the IRA.  And that does not even count the threat posed to Catholics by paramilitaries who term themselves to he Protestant (thankfully, not anywhere near the issue this once was).

While I believe in God, I do not call anyone who disagrees with homosexuality to be an extremist.  I think that they are wrong, but an extremist?  And the same applies to other issues, such as abortion, sex outside marriage etc.