Tuesday 1 August 2017

Day one in Devon

Well, today we have arrived at Glebe House in Devon. To describe the place as clam and tranquil would be an understatement. 

The drive down was a challenge for the two children and we had to ban them from talking to each other at times. Knowing what I used to do to my brother on car journeys, I allowed them to make faces at each other as I would have done so.  (Apparently one took advantage of this.). My wife insisted on driving the first part, kicking me out of the drivers seat, which meant that she got to drive on the 'Road To Hell' but to be fair, things were not that bad with only a few traffic jams. Though once we started to argue, we swapped. This, though was after we drove past Stonehenge which the kids were amazed by. I would have loved to have stopped, but it was raining and there was a huge queue to see it.

When we arrived at Glebe House, we all loved it. The view is amazing and the kids ran to explore the area and also investigated the cows.  And when they thought that we were not looking, they explored the rest of the house as well.  Coco, the dog here, seems to like them as much as they like her.

We did have a drive around the area to explore but failed to bring some carrots back for a horse we met.  Anyway, time for me to have a walk now.