Wednesday 22 February 2017


While today has been exhausting for me, it has only been because I have not been feeling well.  My job on a Wednesday involves me having to cycle around five miles.  I am getting better at it, and while others would laugh that I struggle to make this distance, I do.  But as I was not feeling well, I knew that I would not be able to make it if I tried to cycle to work.  So sadly, instead, this meant that I walked the kids to school and returned home to rest, and then passed out.  I did wake before my wife rang to see how I was, and then I rested so that I would get the energy to walk to school to collect them.  When I got back, I was able to do a few things around the house, before I crashed again.  But my amazing wife went and got food on the way back from work, which considering some of my symptoms, was a better idea compared to me cooking and assuming that I had the energy levels not to make a disaster of it, stopping me from spreading my illness as well.

But once at home, my son had to prepare his homework.  He had done work on this before, and this had involved research on the internet, but now he had to work out what the words meant.  To his credit, while he had been too slow at first, he sped up and asked about the words he did not know.  His sister meanwhile got out of learning more maths from me by learning about chess instead.  And likewise, she did well and was rewarded with being allowed to watch one of her favourite television shows, the House of Anubis.  I had been told by her earlier today that I am not meant to talk to, or talk around her friends as this causes her embarrassment.  But they are back at school and enjoying it.  And both are brushing their teeth, something my daughter did not do during the whole of half term!  I have promised them both, that if they have issues of concern with their dentist when they next see them, I will be brushing their teeth!