Wednesday 15 February 2017

Valentines 2017

I have had some terrible Valentines days in the past.  My most memorable one involved my wife (or girl friend then) getting eleven roses and a stalk.  And the message I left her in the paper did not have her name on it (though she got a card later with the message on it which got me out of jail).

But this year, I had delivered flowers to her at work.  Along with  some presents.  I did not get a chance to wrap them so put them all on one box.  To be fair, she knew what one of them was as she had asked me for it.  And this is a good thing, as I am terrible at ordering presents.  As this year proved again.  The candles I bought her were appreciated, and she says that she likes the key ring, though she has yet to use it.  However, I once again was reminded not to buy her jewellery. To be fair, it looked good on the website (as you can see by the picture), but when I opened it, I knew it was not something that she would like.  And when she took it home, our daughter agreed as well.  The downside of last night was that I was not able to get back to have a romantic meal with her, but we made up for that today.  We went to a local restaurant that serves Vietnamese food, and it was almost as good as it has been on the other occasions that we have been there in the past.  My mother is up at present to look after the children when were are away over the holidays.  And that allowed us the chance to have a romantic get away for a few hours.

We appreciated it, and on getting back home, we decided to watch Santa Clara Diet.  I have to say, that I am a bit concerned at how much my wife likes it!

Anyway, it takes my mind away from the thrashing that Arsenal have been handed tonight. I much prefer watching The Santa Clara Diet to the humiliation on the football field.  And finally, with regards to chess, another tournament has been completed and I finished in 537th place out of a total of 2298 players.  Not as good as I would have liked, but no where near as bad as I thought it would be.