Tuesday 14 February 2017

Trump and Fake News

It has not even been a month since Donald Trump took over as President of the most powerful nation on the planet.  And so much has happened since then.  What I do not understand is how people have been focusing on allegations when so much that can be proven has happened.

Okay, I do understand this.  But by focusing on allegations, it allows Trump and his supporters to deflect from real issues.

Issues like dealing with a missile launch by North Korea in full view of others eating in the restaurant he was in at the time. (@ 2 minutes)

Or the way he has contradicted himself on his relationship with Putin. (@0.44 minutes)

Or the way the crowd watching the inauguration was the biggest ever, despite no numbers being collected... (@2.10 minutes)

And last of all, the way the Federal hiring freeze has hurt veterans.

No doubt there will be other times that real facts are present to indicate just how much of a nightmare Trump is.  And I am sure that they will be seen soon.  Sadly.