Sunday 29 January 2017

My worse bike ride so far

Today has been interesting. In the morning after waking up, I started to watch Divergent.  For some reason, my daughter, who I offered to get her watch it, decided that she would rather be alone!  But later her and her brother came in and we had a great morning in bed together, all four of us and it was a very memorable time.

Later, she went on a bike ride with me.  She was not too keen on this at first, but later appeared to enjoy the thrill of riding a bike again.  My son on the other hand decided that he did not want to do this.  Now, my aim of getting them on their bikes is so that they get some exercise and become fitter.  She states that this has helped her with PE at school, and he, like his sister has improved when it comes to throwing, catching and hitting balls from when we practised during the summer holidays.  He went out, then decided to cycle slowly, and then got even worse, not being able to cycle along a path.  There were tears and tantrums with him throwing down his bike at one point.  And in the end, I lost me temper.  But one of the good things about his punishment is that our toilet is cleaner!

Later on, it was lunch with friends and a few episodes of Modern Family.  But despite what is probably my worst lunch ever, it was a really good day.