Sunday 7 August 2016

Day Seven in France - the Market

Today we went after breakfast to Issigeac, where there was a market being held.  It was different to the market in Sainte-Foy-la-Grande opposite the river from where we were staying and in some ways better.  We did spend more money there, including spending some Euro's on a game of Chinese Chequers.  After this, it was lunch in the town, which I loved (the choice of my wife meant her meal was not as good as mine), and then on the way home we bumped into a place where we could taste some wine.  As I was driving, I did not sample any of the wares, but we did buy.  It was a great place with great service and had catered for children to be entertained allowing adults to spend time appreciating wine!

Once home, the kids were knackered and although I had intended to take them onto the river bank beach, they were not really up to it, and instead we relaxed watching the Simpsons.  After dinner, playing another game of Chinese Chequers (my wife won the game today) it was a trip to the river back with my daughter to feed the fish the bread that we were not going to be able to eat.  Anyway, it is time for me to read to them.