Wednesday 4 May 2016


My kids are awesome and I do not say this enough to them.  Today we were in the garden fighting with lightsabers and while I had to let them win last year, this time they beat me fair and square. Saying that, it is when they work together as they are not good enough to take me on one-on-one.  But I am both a lot older and taller than they are. 

On Monday my son demonstrated his improvement with his bike.  We had to see if we could get some vouchers from one of the shops in town so we cycled there (well part of the way) and then cycled as much as we could home. I was able to cycle up slopes that I could not tackle before, but I have had more practice than he has had.  But he did really well with what he was able to do.  I did push him and he was able to do more than he has done before which was really impressive. He refused to give up where he had to do so before.

I was not able to take my daughter out on her bike as I had to put a bookcase together that my wife had bought months ago.  And today when mowing the lawn I realised that I appeared to have more energy once I finished which I think was due to exercise that I am now trying to do on weekends.

Good night all!