Sunday 24 April 2016

The knee is getting better

First of all, the knee is improving.  My wife can walk, which is a big improvement on this time last week.  She can not walk far, but she is able to drive.

And that meant that yesterday, on St Georges Day, that we were able to celebrate our heritage and teach our children about it.  However, they were not able to take part in the march in town today which both have taken part in the past as it would have been much too painful for my wife, that and my daughter has no uniform for Guides, which she has just joined after moving on from Brownies.

So instead in the morning I took the kids out for a bike ride (again).  My son took this picture of bluebells in the front garden before we went for our ride.  While he had improved loads in the last ride, due to wind, he was not able to do as much as before, it may be that this was the most that he has ridden before.  The only issue with working this out, was that when waiting for him in places I would be riding in circles, but it does not take away from the way that he has improved.  

Sadly, my daughter was not able to ride as much as her thigh was causing her pain and we stopped her ride quicker than I wanted to do so.  But these rides are more for them rather than me.  And on that issue, while I had wanted to be able to ride into work, I was not able to do so thanks to some issues with sleeping on Friday night.  However, I have managed to complete one challenge with cycling.  I have a lot more to do, and aim to get better.  But I have told my wife that my intention is never to wear Lycra and to be honest, I am not sure I will get to the level of fitness where that would be needed.

All this though makes up for the disappointment of the game against Sunderland.  I had expected a draw, though I was hoping for a win.  While Cech was impressive, Vito Mannone played as if he had a point to prove.  When in a race, a draw is not good enough and we may not finish in the top four for the first time in ages.  I watched it with friends while my wife watched another film while resting her poorly knee.  And they were kind enough to feed our children and us and entertain us, which was much appreciated now as it has been in the past.

Anyway, good night and enjoy the music as much as I am looking forwards to Game of Thrones!