Thursday 14 April 2016

Why Sir Alan Duncan just does not get it

“Shouldn't the Prime Minister’s critics really just snap out of their synthetic indignation and admit that their real point is that they hate anyone who’s even got a hint of wealth in their life?”

"Duncan was educated at two independent schools: Beechwood Park School in Markyate, and Merchant Taylors' School in Northwood, at both of which he was 'Head Monitor' (head boy)." He had gone on to say that if you were against our Prime Minister taking part in tax avoidance that you are someone who does not achieve. I do not deny that Sir Alan Duncan has worked hard, but it also appears that compared to most in our great nation that he was born with a silver spoon in this mouth. And I hate it when people like that judge the work ethic of those who were not born with breaks like that.  I am biased in that I see so many people who do work very hard, but despite doing so, due to not having the beaks others have had are not well off. "We are all in this together" if you went to private school or had daddy to pay when you trashed restaurants which strangely enough does not apply to the rest of us.

Now I have a depressed skull fracture from the school I went to. I had six different biology teachers for my A-levels at my school and we had so many issues with physics teachers one taught our class in pre-SI units. I would like to think that I have achieved something. I work with a fantastic team who are amazing and give their all and they have not had the luck of being born into the wealth that this MP has. So if not paying your fair share of tax for schools (which do not have enough teachers), the NHS (which is having to make cuts and doesn't have enough staff in any area), the armed forces) which are asked to send men and women into danger with cuts) etc is right, then I still need to go back to school because I think that our Prime Minister shouldn't cut benefits to the most vulnerable in society and make unsustainable cuts to public services and then not pay the tax everyone else (who isn't rich) should pay.