Sunday 24 January 2016

The iPhone 5c Named after the hourly pay rate of its assemblers.

While the title of the post is a very old joke it was sitting in my draft section of posts to make for some time.

Since my last post, my mother has had an operation, a knee operation.  I was worried that the operation would not go ahead due to the issues that hospitals have had with discharging patients.  One of my brothers has kindly taken time off work to spend with my mother and if the operation was cancelled, that would have caused him and her issues.  So just for the record, I am very grateful to the NHS for operating on my mother as well as my brother for taking the time to look after her.  She has a bit of a time there, as she was anaemic after her operation, like what happened the last time she was operated on, but they have fixed that and she is now better.  I am hoping to see her today, something that has not been possible so far as I have been too busy working to see her.  The kids are looking forwards to seeing her, my son may be wearing his Arsenal top (we are playing Chelski later today) which my brothers bought him and my daughter will probably be wearing the heelies my mother bought her.

Before I was working yesterday, I got to take the children out for another bike ride.  My daughter has a mountain bike with gears that she is starting to learn how to use.  My son has a BMX bike though and while he is yet to get good enough to learn how to do various tricks and the like, I am sure he will want to.  Needless to say, while both love the bikes they have, both are envious of the abilities that their siblings bike has.  It is great for me as I have needed to exercise more for years and finally, I am getting to do this, and also I am getting to spend time with the kids.  However, this week I did not split up the kids, party due to the time that I had before I had to work, but also because they both wanted to ride together.  And they both did really well.  My daughter used her gears when the two of them were riding on grass (they wanted to ride down a hill as fast as they could) when she was going up a hill.  And the stamina of my son impressed me, he being able to ride up some hills that he was not able to do so before.  I can not help by glow with pride when I see how amazing that they are.  

So this morning, I have found out that my mother may be coming out of the hospital today.  Which means that I will miss out on watching the Arsenal match, but some things are more important than that!

Last of all, the song is from The Northernettes who were singers on the voice who did not make it.  Like so many on The Voice, they are great.  We all love The Voice and prefer it to the X Factor as it is so positive even to those who are not picked.  The entire family love this song and all we can do is wish these three girls the best, like so many others on The Voice who have entertained us and have such talent.