Sunday 17 January 2016

According to the most current magazine in my doctor's waiting room, every home will have a television by 1962.

This will have to be a quick post as I need to get to bed.

My drive to get some degree of fitness was better today.  I went cycling with my son which meant that I was able to just pay him attention and spend some time together that he seemed to appreciate.   Being Beaver of the Week, he has a beaver he has to take out and about so we took it for a morning trip out and about. His bike is not as good as his sisters and in addition to that, being younger than her, is not as good with his bike as she is.  Which is why I decided to take them out at different times.  His route was more sedate while when I took his sister out, she pushed me more.  She has a mountain bike that is capable of more off road riding than my bike probably should do.  So today, she took me to Hilly Fields and had fun going down hills, but the problem with going down, is that there is an up to follow!  By the time I got back, I was knackered.

Lunch was late as we had a trip to friends who had been away for Christmas and celebrated it this weekend, and then we watched Arsenal draw at Stoke.  My son who is very proud of his Arsenal kit did not watch the match, while my daughter (who as noted does not have a kit) did.  It was great to meet up with our friends and their kids who get on well with ours as well as a relative that they have staying over for a few weeks.  Hopefully she was not too disturbed by watching us watch football! We were very greatful for the invitation, the company and the food (as well as the Arsenal match) in addition to the party games afterwards.