Friday 1 January 2016

My resolution for 2016 is to launch a brand of ice cream called Revenge. It will be both sweet and a dish best served cold.

Well, today I have Man Flu, which started yesterday.  Despite this, I was still able to work today, and yesterday, though today I am feeling more unwell compared to yesterday.  Which is just as well considering that we had guests around last night.  I had to go to sleep early but the party continued.  Which makes me glad as otherwise I would have felt very guilty.  The children, who had been allowed to stay up till midnight were very glad that not only they got to stay up late at night, but also that I went to sleep before them!  I am looking forwards to spending time with them tomorrow, though I am hoping that they will be able to spend time with a father who is in better health.  On Wednesday, when I was looking after the children, we went for a bike ride and they loved it, as did I.  The only issue with it was that they are of different levels when it comes to the ability to ride a bike, and one bike makes it easier to travel much faster than the other.  I need to get fitter, and they may be able to help me in this ambition.  Anyway, it is time for bed once more.