Friday 20 November 2015

Guy walks into my parts store. Says that he needs a gas cap for a Lancia, I said, okay, sounds like a fair trade

When it comes to what has happened on Friday the 13th the most important thing has been teaching the children that all Muslims are not terrorists.  It is easier for me, for I lived in London when the IRA was attacking it, as well as when Far Right terror attacks occurred.  And for those who have not noted this elsewhere, I live in Colchester, again a target for the IRA in the past.  I do not consider all Catholics or all the Irish to be terrorists and why should I when almost all are not.  Just like with Muslims.

At times, while people blame Islam for the actions of Unislamic State, they forget that most of the people that Unislamic State murder are Muslims, and that most of those who fight against them are other Muslims.  While some may blame the attacks on the actions of France against Unislamic State, they forget that France has been the victim of terrorism before this back in 1995 and since.  And of course, there have been the attacks just before and since.

But to the family and the picture.  Last weekend we got to take part in a car race.  Well, my daughter did not, but she had loads of fun racing the cars anyway.  I got to race against my wife, and although I beat her, I was very unsportsman like in my victory celebrations.  All in all, a great night and one that we enjoyed loads.  Anyway, it is late and I have to go to bed.  Good night!