Monday 14 September 2015

I am surprised Britain has not put a man on the Moon yet. It is hardly rocket science, is it?

We had a great Sunday yesterday.  I had been working on the Saturday night before, hence the picture of my fuel gauge when I almost ran out of petrol on the way home.  On the day, my daughter and I went for a walk into town for the Colchester Heritage weekend.  Our aim was to visit the castle which I thought had free entry for the day.  On the way, we found a caterpillar and when we arrived it was early, hence our visit to the water garden to look at the fish and admiring the dragon.  But on getting into the castle, we realised my mistake and found that free entry had only been for the day before!  Still, we got to look at the well!  After that, it was a trip to the park where we waited for my wife to bring our son and the kids had a great time.

After that it was a trip to Cuckoo Farm where we all had a great afternoon.  I did not realise that Cuckoo Farm Studios existed, let alone how much work was created there.  I, like the children took in the art and we loved it.  Rather than take the kids around the place, I asked them to take us places, and they loved having the control to take us from one place to another.  Not everything was to the taste of each of them, but as an experience for us, it was amazing,  I would recommend this to anyone for next year when they are open to the public again!

Last of all, Chess, and the end of another tournament where I did not win (sob).,.