Friday 14 August 2015

What we did yesterday

Morning all.  Yesterday was a kind of easy day though being sunny a very relaxing one as can be seen with Blue one of the two amazing cats at Santa Chiara relaxing on our sun lounger.  

We went to Città di Castello leaving Blue to his cat nap, a short drive away finding a parking spot as it was market day was interesting!  The market was a bit familiar as some of the stalls were the same as in Umbertide. The town centre is enchanting.  We did not get to go into the museum or the tower but spent some time in the Cathedral admiring the frescoes and the beauty of the building.  

After that it was a meal back at Ristorante I Grasoli di Sant' Andrea which I loved (and I think my daughter did as well) but was not as good as before for my son and wife.  A trip back to Santa Chiara resulted in more time in the pool and then another amazing meal from my wife followed by a game of Risk.  My son wanted to play a board game and chose this one, a game I have played before when younger.  After initial defeats I stormed ahead for the rest of the family to join forces and put me down several pegs.  

But it kept the children occupied so that we could try to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower and other than my son, we all got to see a shooting star.  He was just too tired to take it in and appreciate it fully, but maybe next year...