Saturday 8 August 2015

Lake Trasimeno

I did not have the energy to make a post yesterday which was a bit sad of me really. But we had a great day.  Our plan was to go to Umbertide in the morning and see what the ice cream was like there, have a trip to taste wine and olive oil and then return for lunch and spend the day in the pool before going out for dinner.  But when we arrived at Ristorante I Girasoli di Sant' Andrea we found the tasting had closed but was to open again about an hour later.  So faced with the option of going back on the road again and returning and delaying lunch or staying and eating, we ate.

The meal was great and so far has been possibly the best meal that we have had this holiday, though for the moment the best (just) in Umbria.  The children played in the playground but it was aimed at smaller children and it was very hot.  The wine tasting afterwards was good.  There was no olive oil to taste and at the time I did not like the wine but my wife did and coming back to the villa later on after getting pizza in Tavernacce (at the oddly named Tabbachi Jazz which I and in fact we would recommend) I realised it was good!  Between lunch (or rather the wine tasting) and dinner it was fun in the pool again though the kids were overtired and ratty with each other afterwards until we forced them to have a timeout.

Today we have been out to Lake Trasimeno and although we did not get to spend time on the beach there or explore the island that we took the ferry to, it was a relaxing day.  No time in the pool today but we are hoping to have time tomorrow when we return to Radda in Chianti to find our favourite Tuscan chef.