Sunday 30 August 2015

Under new "honesty" guidelines, "Celebrity Big Brother" has now been renamed "Big Brother"

It is always nice being able to spend extra time with the family and Bank Holiday weekends are a time for doing so.

Yesterday after being picked up from work, we went for a bit of a drive and I got us lost as I tried to find a short cut.  We had been to a vineyard before and though we did not end up buying any wine we did leave with some beer.

Afterwards it was the magical mystery tour.  One advantage of this was that we found The Booking Hall Cafe in Rayne.  And I have to say that it was great.  We loved the cakes, Sausage rolls and tea. And as you can see from the pictures they have a sense of humour.   
Anyway, last of all, chess.  The pictures are of a game against my son.  As you may be able to tell, it was played using his Star Wars Episode 2 chess set and he managed to get a draw, something that he is very proud of.  Me, I am continuing to play on line and have just lost one of the tournaments that I have been running on the website.  I have managed to win a few but still have lost some of those that I have run.  

Thursday 27 August 2015


Just a quick update.  First our return to the UK. It was an early drive on Sunday when we came back. The children were exceptional and dealt well with being woken up so early.  Loading our Lanica (did I mention that this was the worst car we have ever driven) with our extra baggage was fun.  I had forgotten to mention that on the 6th, when we went shopping, we visited a glass shop that we had visited in the past.  Well, I needed to ensure that I had the rest needed to drive in a safe manner, so I rested outside while my wife went shopping.  She came out with some large boxes.  Very large boxes, boxes too large to put in our suitcases, well one of them was.  Needless to say, this resulted in an 'interesting' discussion, but she had found some bargains (as we found out on our return to the UK when we compared the prices on the website to the store).  When we had last visited this shop, she had bought some Grappa glasses, and while amazing, they looked very fragile.  I was able to ensure that we got them back, and we still use them.  Well, I was not sure that I would be able to work my magic with packing with them.  So, when we went to the Chocolate factory, we bought some additional cases.  On our trip to Italy, we did not use our full hand baggage allowance, which meant that we had the option of buying some hand luggage to get these glasses back.  It worked, though I was not able to pack they way I wanted on account of my foot which after being bitten the previous day was very swollen.

It was a lovely drive back to Pisa.  We got to see dawn and driving through Tuscany and Umbria at that time of day was beautiful, even though it was quite cloudy.  We all knew that we were going to miss Santa Chiara but in a way, we were looking forwards to returning.  The flight was fun, I sat next to a lady with her daughter and the nanny though as the daughter who was not yet two was very interactive, my daughter decided to swap seats to sit next to her and ended up tiring her out!  My son was glad at the swap as I then had to put my book down and entertain him instead.  But it was great to be home.  Cold compared to Italy and I ended up putting a fleece on as compared to the heat in Italy, it was cold!  Work was great, though I realised that I had forgotten to bring in food for everyone (something I still have to compensate for).  

And we have had fun since our return to the UK.  As you can see from the picture, I broke a window.  I was mowing the lawn this weekend when I think the mower hit a stone which hit the window.  This is the second time this year it has happened, the window being broken that is.  Earlier this year, it was broken by a cricket ball, this time though, I was at fault.  Still it should be fixed soon(ish).

The kids are having fun in the last few days of the holiday.  Both are now going to chess club and have found a love of the game that they did not really have before.  And they are now listening to me when it comes to teaching them.  Yesterday, I played my son and won one game, but he managed to draw the other!  I have to watch out for them as they are improving lots.  There is so much more I can say, but I am tired and I have work tomorrow, so good night.

Saturday 15 August 2015

La Casa Colonica Agriturismo Wine Oil Mezzetti

Today is our last full day of the holiday in Umbria.  Today has been spent packing and for me, resting as I have had a reaction to a bite.  I will miss the views from Santa Chiara but will be glad to be rid of the insects.  Though to be fair the bites of note have not been sustained here.
Yesterday was spent in the pool at first followed by an amazing lunch cooked by my wife and then we went out to La Casa Colonica Agriturismo Wine Oil Mezzetti after doing some shopping for a few odds and ends that can only be found in Italy.  I liked the wine, not all that was served, but enough to want to buy some.  We left with some olive oil that they make there but no alcohol!  It was fascinating to learn more about the local wines as well as details about the labelled they use.  I will not post it here as if you are reading this you may want to visit.  The only downside to this was that I got my bite there which has limited me today.  Also if you do visit here, follow the SatNav coordinates that they give you as we did not and had an interesting drive until we pulled over and programmed them in.
 As you can see, we got some great photos of the peacock that lives in the area.  The last time we saw one, there were actually two, this one was solitary though.  I have seen peacocks before but seeing one in the wild is different and in addition, the sunlight makes its colours come to life much more.
Dinner was a takeaway from Tabacchi Jazz and as before it was great and as the children had one pizza each (which they could not finish) I got to have leftovers for breakfast!  Today we did go out to lunch at Ranco Nuovo Ristorante.  The food was great as before but as my daughter would not finish her food in a timely manner, the service fell apart, though that may have been down to them and not my daughter.  I am going to miss Umbria and Santa Chiara, the children who have made friends here probably are going to miss it as well and while my wife and I would come back (and certainly recommend it to others) both kids are keen on a return here next year!  Last of all, the cats.  Two gorgeous cats who are great with kids.  I will miss them as well.

Friday 14 August 2015

What we did yesterday

Morning all.  Yesterday was a kind of easy day though being sunny a very relaxing one as can be seen with Blue one of the two amazing cats at Santa Chiara relaxing on our sun lounger.  

We went to Città di Castello leaving Blue to his cat nap, a short drive away finding a parking spot as it was market day was interesting!  The market was a bit familiar as some of the stalls were the same as in Umbertide. The town centre is enchanting.  We did not get to go into the museum or the tower but spent some time in the Cathedral admiring the frescoes and the beauty of the building.  

After that it was a meal back at Ristorante I Grasoli di Sant' Andrea which I loved (and I think my daughter did as well) but was not as good as before for my son and wife.  A trip back to Santa Chiara resulted in more time in the pool and then another amazing meal from my wife followed by a game of Risk.  My son wanted to play a board game and chose this one, a game I have played before when younger.  After initial defeats I stormed ahead for the rest of the family to join forces and put me down several pegs.  

But it kept the children occupied so that we could try to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower and other than my son, we all got to see a shooting star.  He was just too tired to take it in and appreciate it fully, but maybe next year...

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Peacocks and the Perseid meteor shower

Just realised after putting the kids to bed that I forgot the driving surprise that we had.
Peacocks!  It was odd seeing them but amazing as well!  Anyway the children are in bed after being allowed to stay up for the Perseid meteor shower.  Peace at last!

Borgomela, Tavernacce

Today we went to the market in Umbertide.  We had aimed to do so last week but arrived too late to experience it fully.
This time after my wife dragged me out of bed we all went into town and saw what it had to offer.  My Mother-in-law has given the kids some spending money which they put to use there.  After that it was a trip back to Santa Chiara for some time in the pool and a few hours later a trip to Perugia to see if we could find some Mustard Essence.
We had no luck finding this but as you can see the drive had some spectacular views.  Afterwards it was a trip to Tavernacce to eat at a restaurant that has been recommended here and it lived up to the billing.  Despite being down a residential road and being besides a railway track, we thought the place was amazing.  Warm service with good food, we may return this holiday.  Anyway we are now going to see if we can watch the Perseids Meteor shower!

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Ranco Nuovo Ristorante

Today was a relaxing day spent at the pool and later watching Mrs Doubtfire.  It was only later that I realised that Robin Wilłiams died a year ago.  Needless to say both the children loved the film and both were touched by the stories of kindness that my wife and I remembered about him.  It was truly sad that he died.  Death comes to us all but for some it can appear to others to come too soon.  I do hope that he is now at peace.
 Later it was a meal out.  Interesting as our starters came at the same time as our main course and our bill was wrong, though that did not detract from a good meal otherwise.  We did however possibly have our best desserts in Italy here and may return.

Monday 10 August 2015

The Golden Saloon in Umbertide and the Chocolate factory in Perugia

Today we went to Perugia aiming to visit the city itself as well as visiting the chocolate factory there.  My kids know my views on Nestle but while I have told them about them I have also said what great chocolate they make.  The company Perugina was formed in 1907 and originally was in another part of Perugia, but over time it grew and had to change location and was sold to Nestle.  We were lucky as the couple who run the villa we are staying in made a reservation for us and even making a shopping diversion we arrived in good time.
The tour was good with an excellent guide who coped well with many children making a lot of noise and our kids were both great at being well behaved as well as being disappointed that they did not get to experience the chocolate kitchen.  From a previous trip to Cadbury World they were not expecting any chocolate waterfalls nor glass lifts and they loved the samples that were given out.
By the time we got out the heavens had opened and it rained and rained and rained.  It was exciting for the two children but an experience for my wife and I who ended up taking them to McDonalds for lunch.  Not what we originally planned which was to explore the city and its history.  When we finally arrived back after a rest, it was out for dinner though that was interesting as many places were closed. We did find one place open that did not look amazing but we loved it as we were served the biggest pizzas we have had in a long time.  Even if we had ordered two, we would have had food left over!  Folłowing this was a walk around the castle in Umbertide.
Now we have to make plans for tomorrow and hope that the weather is good.

Sunday 9 August 2015

Le Forchette del Chianti, Radda in Chianti

Today was a day trip to experience the better parts of memory lane.  We travelled to have lunch at Le Forchette del Chianti, in Radda in Chianti.  The children were very patient and understanding as this involved a two hour drive there and the same back.  However unlike our trip to Ristorante le Vigne this one was worth the time taken to get there and the money spent on the meal.

In case you have not read my post on the 6th of August, then we returned to an old haunt where we had eaten more than one meal in 2002 and liked it so much that we stayed there in 2003 with a friend, Tony (who was one of the four of us in 2002).  Unfortunately while the view there was amazing the food was not what we remembered but on getting back to Santa Chiara my wife found out that the people we had got to know (despite language issues) now had another restaurant in Radda in Chianti itself!  I had wanted to return sooner but my wife pointed out how unfair it would be on the children considering that the holiday is for all of us.  Anyway the food was amazing and this was possibly the best meal that we have had this holiday.  We were recognised and had as much of a chat as time allowed and had great food.  I would have taken a photograph of the view but by the time we finished our meal it was raining so I did not want to risk damage to my camera phone.  Although the kids did not have time in the pool thanks to the storm that covered both Umbria and Tuscany, I think that the time to do nothing has actually helped them.  Hopefully we will get time to swim and play in the pool tomorrow. 

The last two photos are of one of the two cats here which was catnapping on our sun lounger this morning and the other is of a Porsche that held up our one litre Lancia on the way uphill in Chianti. 

Saturday 8 August 2015

Lake Trasimeno

I did not have the energy to make a post yesterday which was a bit sad of me really. But we had a great day.  Our plan was to go to Umbertide in the morning and see what the ice cream was like there, have a trip to taste wine and olive oil and then return for lunch and spend the day in the pool before going out for dinner.  But when we arrived at Ristorante I Girasoli di Sant' Andrea we found the tasting had closed but was to open again about an hour later.  So faced with the option of going back on the road again and returning and delaying lunch or staying and eating, we ate.

The meal was great and so far has been possibly the best meal that we have had this holiday, though for the moment the best (just) in Umbria.  The children played in the playground but it was aimed at smaller children and it was very hot.  The wine tasting afterwards was good.  There was no olive oil to taste and at the time I did not like the wine but my wife did and coming back to the villa later on after getting pizza in Tavernacce (at the oddly named Tabbachi Jazz which I and in fact we would recommend) I realised it was good!  Between lunch (or rather the wine tasting) and dinner it was fun in the pool again though the kids were overtired and ratty with each other afterwards until we forced them to have a timeout.

Today we have been out to Lake Trasimeno and although we did not get to spend time on the beach there or explore the island that we took the ferry to, it was a relaxing day.  No time in the pool today but we are hoping to have time tomorrow when we return to Radda in Chianti to find our favourite Tuscan chef.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Chianti and shopping

Today was a day spent on the road.  We took the kids shopping and also to an old haunt of ours. It was a great drive through Umbria and Tuscany to get from where we are staying to Montevarchi which is near to where we first stayed the first time we came to Tuscany in 2002.  Back then we had no children and visited with two friends. Sadly due to an issue with my driving on that holiday we had a major falling out with one and no longer see her, but the other we keep in touch with a lot.  Anyway then we went to the outlet stores and back then there were bargains to be had.  To be fair we have not been back at the same time of year but the outlets have changed a lot, which is good for them and great for those who can afford to shop in them now but is not as good for us!

We went to another old haunt, Ristorante le Vigne near Radda in Chianti a place we visited more than once in 2002 and liked it so much we stayed there in 2003.  We did return with our daughter in 2006 and the staff recognised us and took great care of our little one.  Coming back here was great and not so great.  The views are amazing and the memories are to be treasured but it is under new management and we appeared to be unlucky.  Our waitress when we arrived was abrupt and a touch rude but the others who served us were great and in keeping with the reviews on TripAdvisor but our food was nothing compared to that of our memories but more importantly not up to the standards of the food we have had so far.  It was much better than our mediocre lunch in Gubbio but I doubt we will return.  My wife though has found out that the chef that used to work there is elsewhere and we may visit during this holiday.

Anyway a bit more shopping and back to Santa Chiara for a much needed rest for us all.

Wednesday 5 August 2015


Just a quick post.  Today we went to Montone a beautiful town in Umbria.  We were hoping to make it to the market in Umbertide but left things too late and arrived as it was closing up.  So we continued in the car and went for a little adventure.

Montone is a town full of history and character.  The children were taken by the square that we entered and loved the ice cream that we ate at the Gelateria in the Square.  We ate just outside Umbertide at Ristoro in Campagna, a place with no fixed menu.  I liked lunch but I am very glad that my wife was there as they speak a bit of English but I would have been very lost without her.  I would consider returning but would recommend it to others to try.

A trip to the pool when we were back followed by Pizza Night with a show by the children at the end.  All in all, a good day.