Sunday 28 September 2014

Some religious people believe that serious illnesses such as cancer do not require medical treatment, and can be cured by the power of prayer alone. Sceptics may chuckle, but there is a scientific basis for this kind of thinking. It's called natural selection.

Well, the kids are making me sigh again.  I know that I am grateful that I have them and I know that I am glad that they are so well behaved, most of the time that is.  Most of the time, they get on so well, but recently, they have just been causing each other friction more often than normal.

I know that this is normal but there are times that it drives me mad.  Let alone my poor wife who has to put up with this more than I do.  I also have a lot of sympathy for my mother as I was far worse to my brothers than they are to each other.  Though I know it is wrong, I still smile every time I think of the time I got the cat to run up my brothers leg.  Okay, it was a kitten when I was playing with a bit of string, my brother came into the room wearing jeans and I ran the string up his leg.  The kitten got the string and my brother did not speak to me for two days.  So really, my two are angels compared to what I got up to.

The highlights recently though have included the time my daughter was in a bad mood and shouted down the stairs and my son called her Mrs Wolowitz.  Though to be fair, she did sound like her when she screamed down the stairs.  The kids do love watching The Big Bang Theory and my wife got us a box set of them (missing series seven for the readers) though some of the episodes are certainly not child friendly!  They are making progress with swimming, my son has joined the Beavers, by daughter is loving being a Brownie and she has just started to play hockey.  Anyway, we are now going to watch television as we have to catch up on the X-Factor but more importantly Strictly Come Dancing!